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Menar Jonban is one of the amazing architecture in Iran, its antiquity dates back to 700 years ago. They are brick minaret which is shaken by just a little pressure. Vibration starts from minaret and gradually spread to the whole building. This building built in the patriarchal era (654-736 AH, 1256-1353 AD) and the later kings of “Oljato” as a mausoleum for “Amo Abdullah” who was a mystic and ascetic in Patriarch era. Some researchers believe that the minarets added to porch later.

Firstly, Amo Abdullah mausoleum was just a building without any minaret including a brick porch. Safavids architects added two minarets on the mausoleum in order to make the difference with the other buildings in the city. The height of this sepulcher is about 10 meters and height of each minaret is 7.5 meters from the ground level. What distinguished the Menar Jonban from other minarets is the highest vibration and movement. The most logical cause of the minarets shaking is a physical phenomenon of resonance. Shaking one minaret has an effect on the other, because of the minaret similar architectural style. There is no certain explanation for minarets shaking.