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Mashhad Flower Garden is one of the most beautiful flower gardens and parks in the country. The physical design of Mashhad flower garden is based on violet flowers, so that if you pay attention, the violet flower consists of eight petals and the flower garden is like a violet, each petal of which has a set of flowers, like a rock flower garden, Rose garden, cover plant garden, onion flower garden, seasonal flower garden, medicinal flower garden, pond flower garden.

It is noteworthy that in the flower garden of Mashhad, flowers and plants appropriate to the same season are planted in each season of the year. The area of ​​Mashhad flower garden is about three hectares. In addition to the flower garden in Mashhad Flower Garden, there are other facilities such as a fountain, an open amphitheater, a playground for children, an educational greenhouse for students and scholars, and a pond (pool) where all kinds of water lilies are planted.

Types of flowers in this pond include white lotus whose white flowers open in August and September, yellow lotus whose leaves are heart-shaped and yellow flowers, pygmy lotus which has many white flowers, fragrant lotus whose white flowers or Pink in color and originally from North America, the Swedish pink lotus and light lotus are all flowers that all show their flowers in late spring to early autumn and create a mild and pleasant scent in the atmosphere. In addition to the lotus, there is a hyacinth in the flower garden pond, which is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of South America. The pond also lives in that pond. The flower garden is ready to visit every day from 9 am to 11 pm.

Address: Flowers Garden, between Moalem 71 and 73, Moalem Boulevard, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran.