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Another spectacular attraction. Hendurabi Island is one of the quietest, almost deserted islands in the area. The island covers an area of about 23 kilometers. its highest peak is twenty-nine meters and it stretches about seven and a half kilometers. There is a village on the island called Hendarabi, which is located nears some other villages called Durant and Sarat. The island belonged to the Portuguese since the 15th century and was used as a military and commercial base. Remains of the Portuguese military base are still on display.

When it comes to the southern islands of Iran, people tend to choose Kish, Qeshm, and Hangam Island. However, Hendurabi is just as amazing as these ones though less known. Being far from the constant visit of tourists, this sort of remote island in the Persian Gulf has preserved many of its natural beauties. It can provide a lot of fun water and beach activities. Swimming, above all, is one of the most pleasant things to do in the crystal water of the gulf.


Hendurabi is a small island of about 23 square kilometers, located between Kish Island and Lavan Island in the Persian Gulf. If you are a tourist who likes to explore a remote area away from the crowd, we definitely offer this island.

Hendurabi is flat land with no high mountains or hills. The highest point of the island is 45 meters high. The population of this land is less than 200 people. The white local houses are part of the cultural attractions of the island. The extreme influence of the tourism industry has not yet attacked the simplicity of the place. Therefore, luxury hotels, crowded shopping malls, nightlife, and the pollution resulted from these industries have not ruined the traditional lives.

Follow the next paragraphs to get introduced some of the attractions you must see during your stay on this beautiful island.


The Old Villages

Hendurabi has an old village of the same name. The material used in the construction of houses used to be stone, coral, and stucco. However, some of these houses have been renovated recently. The village also contains a school, shop, and a supermarket. The locals of the village speak Arabic while some of them know Persian too. Therefore, remember to take a tour guide or translator with you if you do not know either of the languages. Moreover, keep in mind to buy some of the local handicrafts as souvenirs.

As the south of Iran was once exploited by the Portuguese, you can find the ruins of a Portuguese village on this island.

The Graveyard

The graveyard of the island has two featuring characteristics; Firstly, it is the eternal home of the bodies of Iranians and the Portuguese. Secondly, the gravestones are representative of the sexuality of the body inside the grave; instead of epitaph or names, the stones talk in another way. The men are buried under one piece of gravestones while women are buried under two-piece gravestones. This graveyard is totally different from other ones in Iran regarding the two mentioned facts.

The Mosque

The Sunni mosque is a beautiful structure constructed with traditional architecture methods. The material used in the construction of the building is cement and soil only. The mosque is large enough to let all the local population in.


The Remote Beaches

If you are looking for peace and silence in the heart of nature, Hendurabi Island is the right place to go. Being far from the crowd is one of the nice and pleasant options of this destination. Remote and coral beaches with soft sand, greenish water, naturally carved rocks, all are great scenery for photography. In addition, there are small and large caves to explore.

The Water Reservoir

One extremely important structure to which the life of locals depend on heavily is the water reservoir of the island. It is the only source of sweet water, storing the raindrops for local consumption. Of course, there are water wells throughout the island and the water reservoir is an alternative source when the wells get empty.

The Recreational Club

Activities like diving, swimming, jet-skiing, biking on the beach, safari, etc. are held in the recreational club of the island. So, in addition to visiting the attractions, you can have a great lot of fun here. Moreover, delicious local dishes are available at the restaurant of this club.


The Turtles and the Fish

From February to June, the beaches of the island turn to a turtle hatchery. All the turtles of any size go to this area for hatching their eggs. The scenery of turtles being born out of the eggs and running to the water can be one of the most eye-catching moments of your travel. On the other hand, watching the colorful fish while diving is just another fun thing to do.


Where to Eat in Hendurabi

The restaurant in the recreational club serves different local dishes.

Where to Stay in Hendurabi

You can stay in the only hotel on this island called Hendorabi Hotel.
