Warning: Undefined array key "general" in /home/binsina/public_html/app/themes/binsina/templates/header/header-page.php on line 10

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A stereotactic brain surgery is a surgical procedure where lesion, frequently a brain tumor, is removed with assistance of image guidance, that is previously obtained images (usually an MRI) are used to guide the surgeon to the exact location of the lesion to facilitate as accurate a pathway through the brain and safe removal of as much abnormal tissue as possible while leaving normal, healthy brain relatively intact.


Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /home/binsina/public_html/app/themes/binsina/single-treatment.php:77 Stack trace: #0 /home/binsina/public_html/core/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include() #1 /home/binsina/public_html/core/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/binsina/p...') #2 /home/binsina/public_html/index.php(8): require('/home/binsina/p...') #3 {main} thrown in /home/binsina/public_html/app/themes/binsina/single-treatment.php on line 77